Crime Repellent’s author, Chad, was born in a small town in Michigan, and was little more than an infant when he became a big brother. Shortly thereafter, he also became the “man” of the house, and his single mother started him on the road to caring for other people’s safety. While this may be unremarkable, over the years this simple concern for others developed into a passion for security. Since he is also a voracious reader, a U.S. Army veteran selected as Battalion Soldier of the Year, and has extensive experience in a variety of professional security positions, including as a contractor with the federal government, Chad has absorbed a tremendous amount of security and safety related knowledge. Recently, Chad was a conductor for passenger trains, which has allowed him more experience travelling to a number of big cities and staying in hotels than he ever expected, and has enabled him to further enhance personal safety and security repertoire. is his way of sharing that knowledge with you.
Staying safe in an unsafe world